Peristil Plus Oral Solution

Categories , Supplier

Laxatives and Zinc formula (For Pediatrics and adults use)

Ingredients :

– Lactitol
– Inulin
– Mallow
– Prune juice
– Zinc

Properties and indications:
– Lubricant, osmotic laxative and fecal softener which draws water to the intestinal lumen, the results are both a softening of the stool and an increase in the number of peristalsis, which promotes motility and intestinal evacuation.
– Optimize and re-balances the intestinal normal flora.

Direction :

– Children from 6 month – 1 year: take 2.5 ml a day.
– Children from 1 –  3 year: take 5 ml a day.
– Children from 3 – 6 year: take 7.5 ml a day.
– Children from 6 – 12 year: take 10 ml a day.

– Adults : take 15 ml a day ,preferably in the morning , on an empty stomach ,or in the evening, before before dinner, diluted in water on in other drinks .