Gasdep Capsules

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Digestive aid formula

– Fennel fruits essential oil
– Fennel seed essential oil
– Enzymix ( Amylase , Protease , Glucoamylase , lipase , Cellulase , Lactase , Pectinase )
– Peppermint
– Caraway
– Ginger
– Cumin
– Anise
– Lactobacillus Acidophilus
– Star Anise

Properties and indications:
Gasdep is new italian formula including 3 main bioactive agents (Probiotics, digestive enzymes, Ginger Essence). They act in synergy to rebalance gastro intestinal motility, normalize intestinal flora micro environment and improve the overall digestive processes.

Gasdep contains:
– Inulin: Acts as prebiotics and immune booster.
– Fennel: prokinetic agent that stimulate digestive process, carminative.
– Enzymix: a mixture of digestive enzymes ( mentioned above ) that improve the digestive process and breakdown of lipids, Protein, Carbohydrates and fibers.
– Peppermint: promote digestive process, carminative, anti fermentative effects.
– Caraway and Cumin: enhance digestive process, it has carminative effects.
– Ginger: it has stomachic properties, it used in cases of difficult digestion or aerophagia.
– Anise and Star Anise: promote digestive process, carminative, anti fermentative and antiseptic effects.
– Lactobacillus Acidophilus: support the physiological function of the GIT, it has antagonistic effect against harmful pathogens helps to re balance the intestinal ecosystem.

Take 1 capsule 3 times daily, before the main meals.