Ferrodep Lipo Syrup

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Iron, Vitamins and Minerals replacement formula

Each 10 ml contains:
– Liposomal (Microencapsulated) pyrophosphate iron:   40 mg elemental iron
– Vitamin C                                                                                  45 mg
– Vitamin B6                                                                                1.1 mg
– Vitamin B2                                                                                1.2 mg
– Vitamin B12                                                                              1.4 mg
– Quatre folate                                                                            150 microgram
– Vitamin D                                                                                 2.5 mg
– Zinc                                                                                            7 mg
– Copper                                                                                       0.7 mg

Properties and Indications:
– Iron under the form of microencapsulated pyrophosphate is more bioavailable and digestible than other forms of traditional iron, it doesn’t cause irritation or sense of heaviness as it passes through the small intestine where it slowly absorbed.
– Iron is essential component of hemoglobin, myoglobin and its fundamental to carry oxygen to cells.
– It’s supplementation is useful in developing age ,as well as in all cases of deficiencies of this nutrient.
– Quatre folate: is biologically active and highly bioavailable form of folic acid which doesn’t need to metabolize to perform its action, Quatre folate helps reduce the level homocysteine, contribute to the amino acid synthesis and prevent the development of neural tube defects during pregnancy.
– Vitamin C: improve iron absorption, transport and storage .it can stimulate the ferritin synthesis.
– Vitamin B2 & B6: it can contribute the synthesis of protein and neurotransmitters, Prostaglandins and in the maturation of RBC, it also support the immune system. It improves iron metabolism and plays a crucial role in energy production.
– Vitamin B12: it is fundamental for the formation and maintenance of healthy bones and teeth ,it also regulates muscle and immune functions .
– Copper: it support the proper immune function, it is essential for normal iron metabolism and formation of RBC.
– Zinc: it is immune booster and antioxidant, zinc has a crucial role in fetal development as its fundamental for proper cell division.

– Children from 6 months – 1 year: take 2.5 ml once a day.
– Children from 1 – 3 years: take 5 ml once a day.
– Children from 3 – 6 years: take 7.5 ml once a day.
– Children from 6 – 12 years: take 10 ml once a day.
– Children above 12 years: take 20 ml once a day.