Laxodep Capsules

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Triple Laxatives formula

– Senna
– Frangula
– Aloe
– Fennel
– Mallow
– Glycine
– Vitamin B12

Properties and indications:

  • – Senna, Frangula and Aloe: they do as laxative by induction of the active secretion of electrolytes and water in the intestinal lumen and inhibit its colonic absorption. They also increase the volume of intestinal content stimulating peristalsis.
  • Fennel: it improves the intestinal transit and performs antispasmodic activity; it also has significant anti-fermentative and anti-flatulent action.
  • Mallow: due to its high content of mucilage, it has lenitive and emollient action at the intestinal level which forms a protective cover surround the intestinal mucosa.
  • Glycin: it performs anti spasmodic and anti-inflammatory action.
  • Vitamin B12: alternate diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain and flatulence are the symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency.


Adults: 2 capsules a day, preferably before bedtime.