ProIBS Sachets

Category Supplier

High strength probiotics as colonic function regulator

Each sachet contains 12 billions CFU of three probiotics strains including:
– Lactobacillus reutri
– Lactobacillus Rhomnosus
– Saccharomyces boulardi

– Irritable bowel syndrome.
– Specific and non specific Enterocolitis.
– Acute and chronic diarrhea.
– Antibiotic associated diarrhea.
– Traveler’s diarrhea.
– H.pylori Eradication Protocols.
– Lactose intolerance.

Adult use:
– Acute phase: 1-2 sachet per day to be taken with plenty of water after meals.
– Prophylaxis and maintenance: one box ( 10 sachets ) a month for a period of 3 months.