Spermfast Sachets

Category Supplier

Male fertility supportive formula

– L-Argenine
– CoQ10
– Vitamin C
– Puncturevine
– Ginseng
– Inositol
– Vitamin E
– Vitamin B3

– Strongly recommended for male infertility with organic and non-organic cause.
– Unexplained infertility.
– To improve libido, sexual performance and erectile dysfunction.
– To Treat oligospermia, asthenospermia, teratozospermia to preserve sperm quality and preventing oxidative stress and inflammatory destructions.
– Effectively stimulate spermatogenesis.
– Primary and secondary inflammation of seminal vesicles, prostate , testicles as a whole.
– Treatment of varicocele and hematocele.
– As an aid in IVF programmed techniques.

Take 1 sachet a day far from meals, dissolved in glass of water.